Hardware Independency

The PowerUP system software offers mainly three interfaces, the HAL (Hardware Abstraction Layer), the ABI (Application Binary Interface) and the API (Application Programming Interface). The HAL is by definition always hardware dependant. It is a low level software provided by the hardware manufacturer, which communicates directly with the hardware. To obtain optimal performance and to utilize all hardware features, complete knowledge of the underlying hardware is necessary. This is fact for our current hardware as well as any other processor hardware which will be developed in future.

The ABI is the next layer of system software which uses the HAL as basics. It can be seen as the "physical" definition of the interface. This means, the ABI is responsible for correct implementation of register layouts for system calls. Different kinds of hardware using a compatible HAL may use the same ABI. Our proposed ABI is compliant to the standard PowerPC EABI from Motorol, which defines platform independant register layouts and calling conventions. By use of standard Motorola PowerPC-EABI for our HAL it is possible to use different platforms and software development systems apart from the Amiga as well as standard software libraries for PowerPC based systems, such as e.g. the LIBMOTO library developed by Motorola for MkLinux which speeds up floating point calculations significantly, which is only possible because of the built-in compatibility to EABI in our HAL (this LIBMOTO library for example is included by default on the CDROM delivered with the PowerUP boards).

The API (Application Programmer Interface) is based on the ABI and is the logical interface definition for applications, which is mainly the definition of library calls of the PowerUP system software.

The functionality and conventions are documented by the developer notes included in the PowerUP package or available from phase 5 and will be uniform for all products of the PowerUP family. Future enhancements and additions to the functionality will be compatible to the current implementation of the system libraries. Even main changes to the hardware, like e.g. cluster based multiprocessing systems, will not require applications using our API to be adapted and make them take advantage of new capabilities. Therefore an application, which is compatible to our PowerUP system software and its API and ABI, is prepared to be fully compatible to various hardware solutions, even if provided by different vendors. Third party vendors can implement full compatibility regardles of the individual functionality of the underlying hardware. Concerning this matter, please also regard to our guidelines to PowerUP programming styles.

Summing up it can be said that the conceptual design of our PowerUP system software fulfills all requirements to implement a standardized software interface for any kind of processor hardware (including multiprocessing systems) and offers an optimal hardware independency. The options offered by our solution are in addition based on well introduced standards, what results in various benefits for users and developers from the beginning (as demonstrated by the LIBMOTO example above).

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